Our vision

Elemental is a mission-driven strategy and innovation agency. We inspire and empower organisations to make the transition to a planet and society that thrive.

We are at the beginning of the sustainable transition.

Our society is currently at a critical crossroads. We are faced with the choice of continuing on the path of unlimited economic growth focused on short-term profit maximisation, with negative consequences for people, animals and planet. Or, we can take an entirely new direction, in which everyone actively contributes to the creation of a sustainable and inclusive society. A world without climate change, resource shortages, inequality and polarisation. In our vision, organisations can make impact on this: large and small, in business, government, education and research. Elemental feels responsible for this critical transition and is very keen to use its knowledge and expertise to together make impact. 

Organisations are key to accelerating the transition.

Apart from our common journey, each organisation faces its own transition, depending on the sector in which it operates. Organisations have the choice of:
(a) continue on the old path;
(b) actively reduce their negative impact;
or (c) create opportunities to reinvent themselves and generate positive impact.
To create a ripple effect in society. Elemental is there for organisations that really want to take action. Not only reduce negative impact on nature and well-being, but also generate positive impact. Our society needs these organisations. Organisations that choose to become regenerative and allow sustainable society to flourish. Where every first step counts. This new path sometimes brings unprecedented challenges. The road to a sustainable and inclusive society requires new ideas, strategies and flexibility, collaboration with other parties, and leveraging diverse sources of information

Elemental inspires and accelerates action.

Elemental has an interdisciplinary team eager to share its knowledge, energy and expertise to make impact together. We do this with: 

Contagious energy

Known for our energy, optimism and ideas, we inspire with the way we approach problems. We bring fun and constantly seek connection.

Future-proof approach

With our future-proof approach, we inspire and empower people and organisations to take action. We bring imagination, make systemic challenges manageable and believe in the power of co-creation. We co-create solutions with each other, both inside and outside the organisation.

Always in action

We lead by example and have a wide range of skills to give organisations the confidence, tools, relationships and strength to move to action. From start to finish, tailored to the context of the organisation.

We are working towards a planet and society that thrives. 'To thrive’, it is a new outlook that replaces the single-minded view of financial growth. It makes ecology and social well-being as important as economic progress.

Thriving has a close relationship with regeneration. This applies to people and animals, but also to organisations and systems, such as ecosystems, societies and economies. Without regeneration, there would be no start-ups, no new initiatives, no technological innovations, no development of countries; no emergence of civilisations, no forests and oceans where species live, no living earth. For organisations to thrive, we create and build positive impact, and at the same time reduce and build off that which extracts value from society and planet.

Innovation seemed to be the only real source of economic growth. Now we see innovation as the engine for transitions. Innovation is successful when it is regenerative for ecology and/or society. With visible impact. This means that organisations must learn to no longer put and measure financial value first, but ecological and/or social. This is how organisations allow the planet & society to flourish. By setting themselves up as a 'force for good'.

A thriving society is one that meets the needs of the current generation without compromising the opportunities of future generations. It gives importance to multiple forms of value and works towards: 

Ecological value

Nature facilitates life on earth and is the basis for everything we (want to) do. Nature, and the earth, has its limits, the planetary limits. Within those limits, we keep the earth liveable and nature provides renewable raw materials for our economy and for future generations. 

Social value

We face major social challenges: in education, health, equality, rights, etc. This is not just a task for politicians and civil society organisations. Every organisation has a responsibility to promote social and financial equality and inclusion. 

Financial value

The current economic system creates a lot of financial value and brings prosperity. The financial perspective that now dominates decisions needs to step back and stand alongside ecology and society. For they are the foundation on which the economy can run. 

This calls for a new balance: integrating social and environmental value into the strategy of organisations is the key to success. In this new balance, you work towards an organisation that functions economically because you create value in these other areas. A win-win. By the way, this is not a nice-to-have.

Therefore, we are B Corp.

We see our B Corp certification as confirmation of our intrinsic motivation to enable organisations to make the transition to a planet and society that thrive. And we do this not only with others, but also with ourselves. We are proud of our 90 points with which we score above average in both the Netherlands and our sector. The way we have developed policies and practices characterises the way we work. We do it together. We use the knowledge available and complement it with inspiration. In fact, we enjoy doing this so much and find it so important that a large part of our team was trained by B Lab to become a B Leader. This means we help organisations formulate a sustainable ambition, encourage them to become a B Corp themselves.

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